Wikipedia Corpora
To Do : Create a table comparing WikiQA and SQuAD and say we are going to choose WikiQA (for the moment) WikiQA: WikiQA is a set of question and sentence pairs, collected and annotated for research on open-domain QA. It includes questions for which there are no correct sentences, enabling researchers to work on answer triggering. WikiQA introduced the task of answer triggering and was the only answer triggering dataset. Questions type The questions are originally sampled from Bing query logs . This corpus has 3047 questions (in raw data file WikiQA.tsv ). It contains both general and factoid questions. -HOW: eg. how did Athenians make money? how does interlibrary loan work? ( NO WHY Questions ) -What, How many, Who, when, Where etc. Date/Version Version 1.0: August 25, 2015 Answer triggering - We propose the answer triggering task, a new challenge for the question answering problem, which requires QA s...
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